Saturday, April 26, 2008

Change Explorer Background Image

This a simple manipulation of regestry for changing explorer background image.

1. Create your own image in photoshop with you own size. I prefer 785x86 pixel and save with .bmp for example back.bmp.

This is my example.

2. Then open registry editor: Start > Run > Regedit.exe
3. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Toolbar.
4. Add new string by right click and named it BackBitmapShell.
5. Double click the key and enter the full path of your bitmap image. Click OK.
6. Close registry editor and open my computer. Walla!.


miya chan said...

apasal aku buat x jadi ekk..geram nyaaaa

example010 said...

ko punye gamba tu file pe.. hanye file .bmp or name panjang die bitmap je yang leh..

Anonymous said...

kat 3rd step tuh lpas microsoft xd internet/toolbar...
sye pnye ad microsoft/windows/current version je...
xbleh la ea???:-(

ubabe said...

kat 3rd step tuh lpas microsoft xd internet/toolbar...
sye pnye ad microsoft/windows/current version je...
xbleh la ea???:-(


senang jek klu betol pada gayanya memang jadik.. kene baca instruction die btol2.. pi kat maner and maner and tekan aper.. confirm jadik... masuk run, type regedit.. pastu carik die punyer Hkey tuh...